Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Banks, McMurray Street, Dundas

8x10 Oil on Canvas
Fresh snow after a snow storm is illuminated by morning sunshine on McMurray Street in Dundas.
Dundas was once a manufacturing community before Hamilton became the larger city and took over. Dundas is mostly a bedroom community, but still has pockets of industry. This street leads to a manufacturing company that has been inexistence since 1840.
I was asked in the previous comments if I always use a limited palette. For sunny pictures, I usually use the limited palette mentioned in the previous post. For this picture, I added cadmium yellow light to mix the color required for the turquoisy/blue sky.
(I felt the snow banks were painted with too sharp edges, so I softened them and retook the photo.)


Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Really love this one, Catherine...all that lovely purple snow!

myra anderson said...

wonderful painting! it looks like the scene outside my window!

Unknown said...

I usually find paintings of snow a bit depressing but yours always full of color and light.

Gwen Bell said...

Your wintery scenes always have that look of cold, fresh, pristine snow. Glisteny and beautiful!

Tina Concetta Revie said...

I have always loved downtown Dundas. You have captured a beautiful scene in the industrial section.