Friday, September 25, 2009

Wellington Street, Toronto

8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas
I can't help it. I love rainy scenes. People say there is no color on a rainy day, but I find that in some cases, the colors are exemplified. Also, in city scenes, the light source is dramatized because of the tall buildings. I want to be brave enough to do more "smooshing" of the colors to exaggerate the wetness. Often (almost always) I am afraid to change what turned out ok. I think with experience, we become more willing to experiment and not as concerned with results.
This is Wellington Street with Toronto City Hall in the back.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evening Sun at Macdonald Marine

11" x 14"
Oil on Canvas
We have had a stretch of sunny weather here and have gotten in a little sailing. Last weekend, we had our fun regatta for people who don't often race their sailboats. In the early evening, the sun reflected a gorgeous orangy yellow over this scene. We normally think of sailboats as being more picturesque, but I thought these powerboats looked great in the September light.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


6" x 6"
Oil on Board
A young couple shares an umbrella as they walk down Queen Street in Toronto.