20x16 Oil on Board
I had some great momentum going with this painting last Tuesday until I was struck down and immobilized by a cold/flu. H1N1 you ask? How would we know, no one is testing, but somehow they seem to come up with numbers infected. Thats all for my flu rant. I could go on. When painting Alla Prima, you try to complete the picture in one go so that you can paint wet into wet. When I returned to this picture today, the colors had dried, my palette had dried and so I tried to continue the best I could. It is difficult to "mush" colors around and make nice reflections when they are dry.
I would also like to thank everyone who left comments about creating a signature "style". (Post Nov 18) Its good to know that I am not the only one who struggles with this. How important is it? I think it is important if you want acceptance into galleries. Buyers want to recognize an artist by what they do. Its the same for music.
Another rant. Why are some artists such "machines" at producing? I tell myself that I am going to produce everyday. Take a look at my posts for November and it obvious that I can't live up to my own promises. A few artists come to mind who are amazing producers: Carol Marine, Edward B. Gordon, Kathy Weber. How do they do it?
I would also like to thank everyone who left comments about creating a signature "style". (Post Nov 18) Its good to know that I am not the only one who struggles with this. How important is it? I think it is important if you want acceptance into galleries. Buyers want to recognize an artist by what they do. Its the same for music.
Another rant. Why are some artists such "machines" at producing? I tell myself that I am going to produce everyday. Take a look at my posts for November and it obvious that I can't live up to my own promises. A few artists come to mind who are amazing producers: Carol Marine, Edward B. Gordon, Kathy Weber. How do they do it?