Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Neither Rain nor Sleet

8x8 Oil on Canvas Sold
Tim Hortons is a "famous" Canadian coffee place. Probably one in five Canadians can be seen with a Tim's cup in hand at any given time. On a rainy day, our local Tims is a  great place to park and watch the vehicles at the drive through and  the people running for their coffee fix. And there's always great reflections.

I am pleased to say that I have joined a painting group called "Daily Painter Originals". This is a very talented, personable, creative group of artists, and I am proud to be part of this "on line gallery."

If anyone is wondering where Myra has been, she has been in the Hammer with me at Tims, drinking coffee and eating timbits. This coffee painting is dedicated to Myra who is now back on line. Visit her blog here for some light hearted fun, some great art, and lots of stuff about coffee.
Happy Canada Day!


Lisa Daria said...

OOOh! That reflection of the lights, perfect -

mary maxam said...

Hi Catherine, Oh those wonderful reds you always have :)love it... I am excited for you to be a part of DPO, I am traveling, but managed a borrowed minute here.later, mary

Unknown said...

Catherine, I'm so enjoying your work. This piece has so much atmosphere. Happy to have you part of DPO. Anxiously awaiting your next painting.

Dreama Tolle Perry said...

Catherine--I was so excited when I saw your name on the list of artists who juried in...:)) Yeah Catherine! Your work and take on life via painting is always refreshing~

Kathy Weber said...

Great painting! Welcome to the group.

Kim Rempel said...

Beautiful as always. I just love your Timmy's paintings- perhaps because they are such a part of life here. You go by them every day in all weather...Your winter one was just gorgeous. And yes - welcome!

Kim Blair said...

You are right Catherine, Tim Hortons says 'Canada Day' in so many ways.
Great painting.
Really happy to have you on board daily painter originals.

Marie Theron said...

Catherine, thrilling reflections, a nice cold contrast to the idea of warm coffee. I'd love to know how it tastes!

myra anderson said...

Hi Catherine! Thank you for your encouragement and congratulations on your new group! It's wonderful and exciting!

Tammy Hext said...

Hi Catherine, That is so cool that you met up with Myra. I wish I had of met her for coffee too. What is she like in person? (love the new tim's piece by the way.

Catherine Jeffrey said...

Thanks for all of your comments, everyone.
Tammy, I was joking about Myra. If she were to come to Canada, I would be phoning you and Kim and everyone else within traveling distance. (I'm sure you knew that :)

Johanna Spinks said...

stunning! and glad to be a newbee in the group with you...

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Another great Jeffrey! Love those reflections and so happy to have you with us on Daily Painter Originals.

Dana Cooper said...

Beautiful painting, will be a great addition to Daily Painter Originals!

Edward Burton said...

I love this piece, Catherine. Great mood and reflections.

Kerri Settle said...

I'm excited that your work is a part of DPO! The warmth and atmosphere of your work is too inviting to pass up.

Anonymous said...

Another fantastic pleased you a a part of DPO!

Tammy Hext said...

LOL I fell for your joke - hook, line and sinker. I am glad to know that you would have called me though. Give me a shout sometime - I would love to meet for a coffee and see some Jeffrey's in person.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

so THAT'S where Myra is ;)
Love the nocturne.

Catherine Jeffrey said...

Thanks you all for your kind comments and for the welcoming comments from the DPO members!

Nancy Goldman said...

I love your reflections and the texture of the support adds to the feeling of rain. I'm always in awe of people able to paint night scenes.
I just spend a few days in your lovely country for the first time (and got to celebrate Canada Day). I only got to see Vancouver and Victoria BC but hope to see more of Canada in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Love the reflection. I am a big fan of reflection !!!!!

Sharon Lynn Williams Fine Art said...

I checked out Mike's blog, and I must say that I like you colours much better! This painting is amazing!