Thursday, March 24, 2011

Winter's Last Hurrah

8x10 oil on canvas
After nature gave us several hopeful glimpses of spring with warmer weather and some rain, this is what we woke up to yesterday. School buses cancelled, some businesses closed. Nature has to let us know who is boss.
This was a difficult picture with so much gray, and very little in defining images. The whole scene was pretty much mid value. Not really a pretty picture, but then, it wasn't a pretty picture for anyone who had to face the onslaught of winter one more time.
This is King Street in Dundas, after plows and salters created a path for drivers.


Ramesh Jhawar said...

Bravo! The hints of yellows and reds amid the grays make the painting interesting!

Marie Theron said...

So mysterious and atmospheric! You have captured the weather so well, Catherine!

Jan Yates, SCA said...

This is VERy cool! For someone who says they are challenged by brushwork--well, if this is challenged I'd hate to see what you think is good--beautiful and varied strokes and movement--i especially like the colour jumps in the headlights-this painting really moves

*am so impressed that you were even inspired to paint this winter interruption to our spring--

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Gorgeous Catherine. The grays make the yellows and reds pop. Very interesting and attractive painting.

dacoop said...

It's a VERY pretty picture really caught my eye in the thumbnail!

Janet Bludau Fine Art said...

Wonderful. The viewer gets a crystal clear feeling of what is going on - brrr

Paul Coventry-Brown said...

Fabulous light filled work :-)

Liza Hirst said...

Absolutely perfect!

Mary Anne Cary said...

This goes to show you that grays can be beautiful!! This really caught my eye, what a great atmospheric piece, love the brushwork, too!! A really nice painting...