Monday, January 3, 2011

Joseph Webster House, Dundas

8x10 Oil on Canvas
I am fascinated with light and how it affects the surrounding areas. I would like to learn how to do nocturnes in a variety of settings. It was late afternoon when I took this photo of the Joseph Webster House, a beautiful historical stone house on the outskirts of Dundas. I wanted to change the scene to an evening view and so I looked at Marc Hanson's blog for ideas. He did a series of nocturnes and shares several ideas on the subject. Well worth looking at. On his side bar, you can find the nocturn postings and also a reference to his web site to see them all.
Click Here to go to the ebay auction page


Kim Blair said...

The warm glow of light coming from some of the windows feels very cozy.

Ramesh Jhawar said...

Wow...this is very beautiful! The colors are kind of magical in this! Also thanks for referring to Marc's works. He is one terrific painter. It had been a while since I visited his blog and so missed seeing his nocturnes! Now I m inspired :)